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Wholesale clients and sophisticated investors are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and include a person who has a certificate from a qualified accountant (obtained within the previous two years), stating that such person has net assets of at least $2.5 million and/or a gross income for the past two financial years of at least $250,000 a year. For other jurisdictions this is defined as an investor in an equivalent class to the Australian wholesale or sophisticated investor definitions under the laws of the country or territory in which the investor resides.
Nothing on the website should be construed as a solicitation, offer or invitation, or recommendation, to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction. Regal is not providing any personal advice or recommendation regarding any financial products within the meaning of section 766B of the Corporations Act. No consideration has been made of any person’s investment objectives, financial situation and/or needs. Prospective investors should make their own enquiries and should seek all necessary financial, legal, tax and investment advice.
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